Friday, February 12, 2010

Nexus One - review from a Finn developer - there still are some bugs

In the post A Month of Nexus One, Heikki Toivonen lists some the bugs he has encountered on the Nexus One : "I’ve encountered some annoying bugs as well. During my first week the phone got into a state where tapping the messaging icon always launched the browser. The only way I could recover was to reboot. This hasn’t happened since. Far more common problem is the soft keyboard not registering taps, or thinking I pressed one of the four buttons at the bottom (back, menu, home or search, with accompanied vibration feedback). Switching back and forth between apps fixes this eventually. I also seem to have situations when I don’t seem to get any GPS information. Some people have reported that this might require a reboot, but I haven’t been trying persistently enough to confirm if this is the only cure.".

I also encountered some problems with the four soft key at the bottom, where they don't seem to work at all, or when they seem to trigger the same action, or even when touching the screen in the middle triggers one of the four soft key button ... In those situations, the best thing has been to reboot the Nexus. It seems this happens more often when the phone has been up for some time, or when there has been some weakness in the network (I use the Nexus during my commuting time and there are a lot of places where there is no or poor quality network that make the Nexus to frequently switch between Edge and 3G).

Monday, February 8, 2010

And finally, it's Linus Torvalds - THE father of Linux uses a Nexus One

The post Linux founder Linus Torvalds is a BIG fan of Google’s Nexus One from EuroDroid reveals the incredible, that Linus Torvalds : "[...] broke down and bought a Nexus One last week". Read the whole story directly from Linus Torvalds's blog on it's blog post Happy camper.

Just to understand how a great news it is : Linus Torvalds is the man who wrotes the first Linux system as a student project, the system which is at the root of so many devices and production systems today, and at the root of Android too.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nexus One - detailled instructions to install Cyanogen's alternative firmware from Mac OSX

The post Cyanogen ROM Beta 4 from GeekSage contains detailled instructions on how to install famous Cyanogen's alternative firmware on a Nexus One from Mac OSX.


If you wonder why one may want rooting an Android phone, consider the following posts : Why (and How) to Root Your Android Phone, Five Great Reasons to Root Your Android Phone and Why Root along with the following ones for the G1 : Rooting Android and Android – G1 – Root Access Why & How and the "root" tag on FrAndroid (in french).

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nexus One - Google announced the so awaited software update for Nexus One phones

Google announced on the Nexus One official blog the so awaited New Software Update for Nexus One phones that will solve the reported 3G connectivity problem.

The update will also bring some improvements on Google Maps, introduced the Pinch-to-zoom functionality and the Google Goggles app.

Here are Google's instructions to install the update that will be rolled out until the end of the week : "In order to access the update, you will receive a message on your phone's notification bar. Just download the update, wait for it to install, and you should be all set."